Richards Bulldogs

Course Selection

Students will soon be meeting with counselors to finalize their course requests for next school year.  Parents can assist by sharing their own career path and encouraging students to talk to other family members or professionals about their career paths.  To help make the best decisions regarding coursework, please refer to:
  • Find course offerings and descriptions via the Course Guide here
  • Videos Brief but excellent promotional videos highlighting different courses can be found to the right 
  • Career Information Excellent resources to help students connect classes to careers – check out this great article

Course Selection Timeline

November/December  Students will participate in a Virtual Elective Fair during homerooms.  Students will also receive information via grade level Google Classrooms.
January Skyward will open for students to choose course requests on January 10th.  Students must input course requests into Skyward by the date listed below.

Grade Level Skyward Opening Date Skyward Closing Date Counselor Meeting
09 1/10 1/28 1/29-2/2
10 1/10 1/21 1/22-1/26
11 1/10 1/15 1/16-1/19
March/April  Students and parents are able to view future courses entered into Skyward through the Graduation Requirements screen.  
May  Students who have changed their minds about courses for next year may request to see their counselor.  Every effort will be made to make the requested changes if there are seats available. It is very important to make wise and thoughtful choices in January so that the district can plan enough seats in requested courses. If goals and interests change, this is the final time to meet with their counselor to discuss possible changes.