Richards Bulldogs


Rules of the Road and Permit Test 
1 week
  • To understand Illinois Traffic laws
  • Describe the Licensing Procedures
  • Explain the responsibilities associated with the driving privilege
  • To pass permit test
  • Understand the classroom Policies and procedures
  • Understand the importance of

daily practice at home

Chapters 1-3, 5
5 weeks
  • Explain the 3 parts of the HTS and its purpose
  • Interpret the shapes & colors of traffic signs
  • Differentiate between the different types of traffic signals and road way markings
  • Name and describe the 4 steps in the IPDE process
Ch. 4 and 10 
3 weeks
  • Demonstrate correct hand signals
  • List the steps for changing lanes and reversing
  • Explain the different types of turnabouts
  • Describe and demonstrate angle, parallel, perpendicular and hill parking
  • Demonstrate procedures to be followed at uncontrolled and controlled intersections
  • Define right-of-way and yielding
Ch. 14-16
5 Weeks
  • Explain 3 and 4 second following distance
  • Describe how to identify 1 and 2 way streets
  • Explain how rural conditions differ from urban
  • Compare and contrast rural to urban driving
  • List 5 reasons why expressways have lower

collision rates

Ch. 12-13
3 Weeks
  • Explain the procedures involved in controlling your car in adverse driving conditions
  • Explain actions taken for various vehicle malfunctions and emergency situations
  • List how certain emergency situations can be avoided
Ch. 7-8, 17
3 Weeks
  • Explain BAC and factors that influence or affect it
  • Evaluate the 5 myths about alcohol
  • Compare and contrast different drugs and how they affect the driving task
  • List and distinguish the cost of owning and driving a vehicle
  • Examine what is covered under each type of insurance