Richards Bulldogs

Profe Hernández

Education Background:
University of Illinois at Chicago - B.A. in Secondary Education (Spanish) 
Lewis University - M.A. in Education and Leadership
Classes taught this year:
Spanish 1
Spanish 4
Classes taught previously:
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Spanish 3 Heritage
Spanish 4 Heritage
Retake Policy:
Students are encouraged to retake assessments (CUAs/IPAs [Integrated Performance Assessments]).
In order to retake an assessment, students should see me within one week of receiving the grade on the assessment. We will then create a study plan and set a date for the retake.  
If you have any questions concerning retakes or anything else, please email me at [email protected]


Google Classroom codes:
1st Period: Español 4
CODE: wfejunp
2nd Period: Español 4
CODE: ch7wdd
3rd Period: Español 1
CODE: o2vk3js
5th Period: Español 1
CODE: zntc345
6th Period: Español 1
CODE: h3czhnr
7th Period: Español 1
CODE: z4per3yr