Richards Bulldogs

Attendance & Discipline

Attendance Office Contact:

  • 708-499-2550 ext. 5600 or 5601
    708-499-2550-ext. 5650 (Arabic)



Research shows that student attendance has a large impact on a student's academic performance, college readiness, and overall success in school.  It is our goal at Richards to provide seven periods of high-quality, effective instruction.  In order to provide that, we need every student in every class, at all times.  In order to support students, we offer the following attendance interventions.
  • Full-time Attendance Coordinator
  • Attendance contracts
  • School-wide incentives

Full-Day Absences

One of the more avoidable attendance infractions that we address in the Attendance Office is Full Day Absences (FDA).  A full-day absence is when a student does not attend three or more classes or does not attend school for the entire day.
We require that parents notify the Attendance Office when their child is absent, late, or needs to leave early.  If the parent does not notify the school, their student will be referred to a dean.  When you call, please be prepared to provide the following:
  • Parent/guardian name and relationship to student
  • Student's name and ID number
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason for absence(s)


One of the goals of CHSD 218's Strategic Plan is to promote a healthy school climate by increasing positive student and staff interactions and creating opportunities for increased student engagement.  Accordingly, the Discipline Office at Richards supports the strategic plan by providing interventions in response to student behavior, as well as preventative interventions.  The following are some of the interventions used to address students' behavioral needs.
  • Check-in/Check-out
  • Connections Room
  • Restorative conferences
  • Closed campus lunch
  • After school detentions
  • Lunch detentions
  • Peer Mediation
  • Adult-led mediations
  • Loss of Privileges contract
  • In-school suspension
  • Our of school suspension
  • Alternative placements