Home of the Bulldogs

Hudson Rivera

A bit about me
I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. I have 20 years of hands-on automation engineering experience in Robotics, telecommunications, and Industrial and Building automation. I am also a Technology instructor at Moraine Valley Community College, Triton College, and Harper College.


Let's talk
Zoom ->  

Text me -> For my minor and urgent matters text to my Google Voice (773-800-1781).


Classes (2023-2024, Semester 1)
(** P1, P2, etc.. = Periods)
(** HLR = Harold L. Richards High School)

House Wiring (439S) - P1,P7 (HLR)
Google Classroom code (2rqhqqj) - https://classroom.google.com/c/NTIzMzkzNTU2OTE0

Class video presentation (2 min) -> https://www.loom.com/share/024ed694066e44ad85aa7fe561465fb9


Electronics/Robotics (440F) - P3, P4 (HLR)
Classroom code (ugxak2z) - https://classroom.google.com/c/NTIzMzk0NDEyNjAy

Class video presentation (2 min) -> https://www.loom.com/share/ee1cc0f469ce4d82a2c2a4685999bc81


Computer Servicing 1 (443S) - P5 (HLR)
Classroom code (szjwey2) - https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE4MTAyMDE3NTgx
Class video presentation (2 min) -> https://www.loom.com/share/7c4f044fb6174d098eaed9adcd4f02f8