Mr. Staudacher
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Classes Taught: Foods & Nutrition, Advanced Foods & Nutrition, EMPOWER
2nd period -Adv. Foods/Nutrition
3rd period - Adv. Foods/Nutrition
4th period - Adv. Foods/Nutrition
6th period - EMPOWER
7th period - Adv. Foods/Nutrition
Foods & Nutrition loom video:
School Activities: Cooking Club
Retake Policy:
Students must retake tests prior to the next common unit assessment, that date to be completed by will be determined by the teacher. The student must seek out the teacher and schedule the retake with them. To retake the test, the student must complete all work as instructed by the teacher, as well as the retake request form. The retake may take on a different form then the original test as determined by the teacher. For example, a lab practical may become a written test. The higher grade between the original test and the retake will prevail.