Home of the Bulldogs

Activities Information

We hope you are anxious to become an active member of the BULLDOG NATION!  No matter what your talents and interests, use the clubs as an opportunity to be you.  It is a proven fact that students who are more actively involved in school perform better academically.  Also, students who make connections in a club or activity find their high school experience more satisfying.  A goal of Richards High School is to increase student engagement through clubs and activities so that more and more students feel a connection to our school.

It's never too late to get involved!  If you are looking to try something new, stop by the Activities Office to find the club that works for you.


Activities Facilitator
Deborah Swanson - x 5192
Assistant Principal of Activities
Audra VanRaden - x5661
Administrative Assistant
Sara Bages - x 5650
Fax Number - 708-499-6182


Follow us on Instagram -  RichardsBulldogs

Follow us on Facebook - Harold L. Richards High School


Student Activities Handbook





Important Documents