Home of the Bulldogs

Honors Pre-Calculus

Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year: Please use the codes for the class in which you are assigned.
               Period 2:  5dh2ud5
Be sure to review the Course Syllabus for this course.
Need Help?  Contact Mrs. Swanson to book morning help, attend Math Lab during all lunch periods in the LRC or after school tutoring.
Retake Policy:  Any Common Unit Assessment is eligible for a student to retake it.  To be eligible for such are retake, students must have shown initial effort in their learning by completing all assignments from that unit.  If assignments are missing, the student must first complete those assignments to earn the opportunity to retake/redo the unit assessment.  Note that no assignment is accepted late outside of an excused absence, however these will allow a student the opportunity for the retake.  Further, any student who doesn’t complete the unit review guide is ineligible for the retake.  Unit review guides are distributed to students several days prior to a unit test and gone over in class before they are collected.