Richards Bulldogs


Educational Background:
-BA Secondary Education Eastern Illinois University
-MA Educational Computing Governors State University
-MA Educational Administration Lewis University
Here you will find updates in the D.E. department and anything pertaining to Driver Education.
(to find your specific class, scroll to the bottom and click on your class period)
 Earning your Driver's License is a very exciting time! Here is what you need to bring to the DMV once your 9 months and one day waiting period is exhausted and you have passed both the Classroom and Behind the Wheel portions of Driver Education:
Note: No Xerox copies will be valid
1. Completed 50 hour practice log sheet
2. Original Permit
3. Original Birth Certificate
4. Original Social Security card
5. Proof of Insurance
6. Proof of Address
7. Good working vehicle with all operating lights
Click here to check the status of your Permit.
Retake Policy 
Students may retake a CUA upon discussion with the instructor.  A re-teaching/re-learning plan will need to be completed before the retake can be given.  Students must also request and complete the plan before the next CUA is given.  If you have any question please contact the instructor.
Mr. Webster's Fall 2023 Teaching Schedule
Period 1-Behind the Wheel
Period 2-Driver Education Classroom-Room 153A
Period 3-Lunch
Period 4-Driver Education Classroom-Room 153A
Period 5-Behind the Wheel
Period 6-Plan/PLP
Period 7-Plan/PLP
Period 8-Driver Education Classroom-Room 153A


Permit Application/Permit Test and Fee

 Students in both Groups will complete the Permit Application and take the Permit Test on-line with their instructor on Wednesday August 26th.   Times will be discussed during Zoom sessions and posted to Google Classroom. 
Also, students will have to bring in a check or Money Order for $20 payable to the "Secretary of State" (NO Cash) in order to be eligible to receive a permit from the state of Illinois.  This fee pays for the student's Permit and First Driver's License upon completion of the course.  This fee can be brought in on Vision Testing day which is To Be Determined. The Permit application also must be signed by a parent/guardian for the student to be able to receive a permit from the state of Illinois.  This form will be printed out can also be signed on Vision Testing day.

Retake Policy

Students may retake a CUA upon discussion with the instructor.  A re-teaching/re-learning plan will need to be completed before the retake can be given.  Students must also request and complete the plan before the next CUA is given.  If you have any question please contact the instructor.

Syllabus and BTW Contract

 Students will receive a class syllabus and a Behind the Wheel contract on Monday August 19th.  Students and parents are to sign both the syllabus and BTW contract and return it to the instructor.  Students will not be assigned a Behind the Wheel instructor until these 2 forms are signed and returned.