Richards Bulldogs

ENL English and Social Studies

MEd Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois
MA Linguistics, University of Illinois
BA English and Linguistics, University of Iowa
Licenses, Endorsements, Approvals
Professional Educator License, Illinois
Endorsements for English and Social Studies
Approvals for English as a Second Language and Bilingual Instruction (Spanish)
Classes Taught Currently
Driver's Education (co-teacher for ENL students)
Google Classroom Code u2gz5nj
English as a New Language U.S. History
Google Classroom Code: v5zpnf5
English as a New Language Geography
Google Classroom Code: mrxvtoh
English as a New Language 2 Block: English and Reading
Google Classroom Code: r7ewhib
Assessment Retake Policy
Retakes are allowed for all assessments in the 65% category.  Other kinds of assessments may or may not have a retake option.
Students are encouraged to retake assessments when retakes are offered.