Home of the Bulldogs

Gold Nation A Cappella Ensemble

Meeting Dates/Times: 


We meet Wednesdays from 6-8PM in the choir room (147) and on Thursdays from 3:30-5PM. We also have a few select Saturday workshop rehearsals in order to prepare for our competitions.

What do we do?


Mission and Goals:  Gold Nation is an a cappella ensemble. (Think Pitch Perfect, Pentatonix, or Straight No Chaser). Gold Nation meets 2 times a week in the evening and after school, September through March, in order to learn our show music and choreography for our competition and festival performances. Membership consists of students freshman through senior who audition. Membership is only open to those students who are accepted by audition.

How do I join? 
Auditions are August 21st after school and callbacks August 28th from 6-7:30PM. Students must audition with Mr. Hammann in person. Be prepared to attend both days.
Day 1: Sing 30s-1min of a song of your choice a cappella. Pick something that shows off your voice.
Day 2: If you are called back, you will need to prepare a short section of music we provide to you. We will hear you sing your part with others in small groups to see how well you can hold your part against others and how well you blend. We are also looking to see if you are able to practice and prepare on your own. Don't worry--we will provide the music and practice tracks for you if you are called back!



For your solo you will be judged on your tone, style, intonation (ability to sing in tune), projection, and overall musicality. When you sing in small groups, you will be judged on how well you can hold your individual part against other singers and how well you can blend with other singers.
Club Sponsor: Mr. Hammann (josh.hammann@chsd218.org)
Check us out!